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Making a Difference

Walking Down Empty Road
Dog Shelter
Hot Stew

Providing Resources to Succeed

When it comes to stability and structure in a person's life, one must first feel safe. Getting people to a place to be able to focus on becoming responsible for daily tasks. Workshops are very important here at Convicted Ministries, teaching Life Skills, Biblical Studies, Forgiveness, Self Control, and Job Skills.


Partnering with local companies, churches, and programs to help overcome addiction, fears, unemployment, burdens, hunger, education, and healing. 


On just over an acre we offer a safe and accountable living space, where one can grow and heal.
We see when the church was built in the book of Acts that people did 
not regard things as there own but moreover as a way to build a loving community that would embody Gods love for us. In this He uses his greatest utensil, our love for each other.
Pride and selfishness is the root of all that is evil, also that what poisons our world today. 
Please help us show people that Gods love does exist, and people do care.


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